About the Project
Storage of hydrogen will be essential in unlocking a wider hydrogen economy, underpinning the decarbonisation of the Humber.
Find out more about our innovative projects and the SSE Thermal & Equinor partnership.
Our net-zero vision
Hydrogen will be a key contributor to the energy transition as the energy industry is scaling up renewable energy solutions, including wind and solar.
As it won’t be until the latter part of the century before there is sufficient renewable energy to supply the world’s energy needs, other forms of low carbon energy, such as hydrogen, will be needed to secure energy supply, decarbonise energy-intensive industries and ultimately, achieve net-zero by 2050.
Aldbrough Hydrogen Storage would help support and enable a low carbon hydrogen economy in the Humber and beyond, providing a buffer for the variable nature of our energy systems.
The existing Aldbrough Gas Storage facility, which was commissioned in 2011, consists of nine underground salt caverns. Upgrading the site to store hydrogen would involve creating new caverns to store the low-carbon fuel.
Understanding Hydrogen
Hydrogen has strategic importance in the pursuit of a low-emission, environmentally benign, cleaner and more sustainable energy system. The combustion product of hydrogen is clean, consisting of water and small amounts of nitrogen oxides.
Explore our projects
Together, SSE Thermal and Equinor are developing four low-carbon projects, all focused on providing vital flexibility to the energy system. In addition to Aldbrough Hydrogen Storage, we are also collaborating on: