Public Consultation Event Information
Aldbrough Hydrogen Storage Project Public Consultation
The public consultation is now closed. We thank you for your feedback and the materials are still available for your reference.
We are holding a public consultation from 17 June until 31 August 2024. This is an extension to the previously publicised end date to allow more time for responses. During this time, you will be able to view and download the consultation documents through this webpage.
We welcome you to come and meet the team at our public information events below. At the events we will share the preliminary findings from the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA), answer your questions and ask for your feedback:
Aldbrough Village Hall, Garton Road, Aldbrough, HU11 4QA
Saturday 6 July, 11am – 3pm and Thursday 11 July, 4pm – 8pm
East Village Meadows, Back Lane, Garton, HU11 4QB
Tuesday 9 July, 4pm – 8pm and Thursday 18 July, 10am - 2pm
Sproatley Village Hall, Sproatley Road, Sproatley, HU11 4GA
Wednesday 10 July, 10am – 2pm and Friday 12 July, 4pm – 8pm
How to get involved:
Any person may comment on the proposals and responses can be submitted in the following ways:
Online via our website (www.yourvoiceerm.com/aldbrough-hydrogen-storage)
By post at Freepost Aldbrough Hydrogen Storage
By email (AHS@ERM.com)
Copies of the consultation materials, including the documents, plans and maps showing the nature and location of the proposed development, will be available to view or download free of charge on the project website via the library page: www.aldbroughhydrogen.com/library.
Alternatively, you can view hard copies of the documents from 17 June 2024 until 31 August 2024. This is an extension to the previously publicised end date to allow more time for responses. This will be during opening hours at:
Aldbrough Sports Hall, Recreation Field, Garton Rd, Aldbrough, HU11 4QA
Hornsea Community Hub, Broadway, Hornsea, HU18 1PZ
Your feedback will help us develop our proposals before we submit our application to the government in 2025.
Contact Us
For more information, please contact Rachel, our Engagement Manager at SSE Thermal.
Rachel Fox
Engagement Manager
07467 652088
Explore our projects
Together, SSE Thermal and Equinor are developing four low-carbon projects, all focused on providing vital flexibility to the energy system. In addition to Aldbrough Hydrogen Storage, we are also collaborating on: